Here are some various screenshots from Mplayer and Westwood of various people Owning and Getting Owned.

DOA-Pr0z-Price Owning
FaLcOnS Keeping HOMICIDE alive
Maddux getting Raped by Commando
Maddux getting Raped by Commando
Maddux getting Raped by Commando
AzN Doubling My Ass
FaLcOnS Sexay Base
FaLcOnS Rushing
Price and Maddux Owning NYC and D-BONE
FaLcOnS Teslas Doing Some Work
Y2K-KILLA-4-EVA getting raped
FARAMIR getting owned by men
FARAMIR getting owned by tanks
Price Raping Y2K-KILLA
Chronoing Comps Base
Mig Pads Like a Hoe
Comps Base Getting Raped by Migs
Comps Riflemen Getting Raped by Migs