#10: If they can type "good game, Ill get you next time" very fast.
#9: If their user name is their first name and 3 or more numbers on the end (Mike13646).
#8: If you tell them to hit Alt+F4 and they actually do it.
#7: One of their first five structures is a Radar Dome.
#6: If you hear Tanyas in the first 4 minutes of the game.
#5: If you hear subs in the first 3 minutes of the game.
#4: If they ask you if your good in the middle of the game.
#3: If they ask "you got any Nurples?"
#2: If they have been in the chat for more than 2 hours and have not said a word.
#1: If they ask "Where do I find my rank?"